Categories: Life

What’s Even Riskier About the New COVID-19 Strain, According to Experts

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We need to make sure we’re following all the safety measures.

The new variant is more contagious than the original one, so now it’s the time to take the pre-existing safety measure even more seriously than before, including social distancing, mask-wearing, avoiding crowds in poorly ventilated rooms, and limiting large gatherings. If you choose to ignore these safety measures, you might put yourself and the people close to you at a huge risk for infection.

Make sure to also check: Common Habits That Can Put YOU At A Higher Risk For COVID-19.


Additionally, we need more qualitative masks now.

According to Jha, we all need to improve our mask quality now that the new variant has appeared in the United States because high-quality masks are vital right now. “We’ve not done much to make masks high quality—that’s something we still need to work on.”

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Also read The Next “Surge Event,” According To The CDC Director.

Jha recommends doing a little more research when it’s the time to replace your old masks, in order to make sure you’re protected against coronavirus.

See also: People Should Be Wary Of This Vaccine Side Effect, According To FDA.

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View Comments

  • I feel that we are being led to slaughter with all the hype over this. I for one am not going to be told i have to take this vaccine. It is my right to refuse it. Not enough studies and testing. Come on. It takes longer than this to so the flu shot for the next year.
    Who is behind this? The same people that censor all our posts, and blocks our views if we dont agree with them.
    Thank you for letting me vent

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