14 Puzzling Mysteries About the Universe

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Could there be another you in this vast universe?

As we previously mentioned, the universe it’s created in such a way that it’s repeating itself in order to be part of a multiverse. So considering all of that, could there be another you, or multiple versions of you, in this infinite universe?

According to space.com, if you pay close attention and look far enough, you could find not one, but infinite versions of yourself in this universe.

“Some of these twins will be doing exactly what you’re doing right now, while others will have worn a different sweater this morning, and still others will have made vastly different career and life choices.”

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We’re definitely curious to have more answers about this topic, but it remains one of the universe’s biggest mysteries up to date. But as scientists have explained, to confirm this theory we need to prove that there are additional dimensions.

Make sure to also check: 10 Remarkable Inventions that Changed the World.

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