14 Puzzling Mysteries About the Universe

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Even though we’ve gathered a lot of information about the Universe in the past decades, there’s still a lot with don’t know about it. The universe is so mysterious that not even science can answer some of its questions.

One thing is sure, though, the universe is so vast, and its vastity is exactly what makes it a very strange place. As the British biologist, JBS Haldane has explained, the universe is not stranger than we imagine, but rather stranger than we can ever imagine.

It is indeed very complex, full of exploding stars, black holes and it’s almost 14 billion years old, as scientists have confirmed. And even though we know a lot about it, there’s still a lot we don’t understand.

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There are still a lot of gaps in our understanding of the universe and the way it functions. So read on to discover the 14 puzzling mysteries about the vast universe!

Make sure to also check: 20 Unbelievable Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind.

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