14 Things That You Inherited From Your Parents

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

4. Dimples

It is believed that dimples are a trait that is inherited. They are considered to be a dominant genetic trait. This means that only one copy of the altered gene from each cell is enough to cause dimples.

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There are people who have dimples in both checks, while others only have dimples in one cheek.

5. Fingerprints

Although fingerprints are different for each person, it is believed that the fingerprints between the child and the father are very similar.

6. Eye color

Just like we have said in the beginning, dominant and recessive genes are really important when it comes to the color of a child’s eyes. It is believed that light-colored eyes are recessive, while darker-colored eyes are dominant. The child can have the eyes of the father, if they are the dominant color between the parents.

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  • my grandfather on my mother's side was called "Black Tom Murphy" ...because of his black hair. I am 86 and just started to have some gray in my black hair!!!!

  • I like it because I feel connected to my loved ones and that feels good even though they are gone,

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