14 Things That You Inherited From Your Parents

Photo by Ilina Yuliia from shutterstock.com

12. Caffeine tolerance

Drinking coffee is always a taboo subject. That’s because there are people who can’t start their day without smelling and drinking their cup of joy, while others feel jittery, anxious, and agitated when they have caffeine in their systems.

According to a study that was published in Psychopharmacology in 2010, it had been found that genetics play a role when it comes to how people metabolize coffee. It is believed that genetics are responsible for 36% to 58% of the differences in the way people react to caffeine.

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The way your brain processes the chemicals that are found in caffeine, such as dopamine and adenosine, can determine your further reactions. You can experience anxiety, insomnia, and even withdrawal symptoms.

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  • my grandfather on my mother's side was called "Black Tom Murphy" ...because of his black hair. I am 86 and just started to have some gray in my black hair!!!!

  • I like it because I feel connected to my loved ones and that feels good even though they are gone,

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