14 Things That You Inherited From Your Parents

Photo by Syda Productions from shutterstock.com

7. Hair type and color

According to scientists, recessive and dominant genes play a huge role when it comes to determining the hair color and type of a child. For example, it is more likely that the baby will inherit the mother’s dominant gene for hair texture and color.

8. Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is a condition in which the thyroid is attacked by the immune system. The thyroid is a small gland that is situated at the base of the neck. This gland is a component of the endocrine system, which is responsible for producing hormones that coordinate several body functions.

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It has been found that Hashimoto’s disease is usually passed down from the mother of the baby, or from someone in her family tree. It is believed that if a mother has Hashimoto’s disease or other thyroid issues, the children are more likely to have it as well.

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  • my grandfather on my mother's side was called "Black Tom Murphy" ...because of his black hair. I am 86 and just started to have some gray in my black hair!!!!

  • I like it because I feel connected to my loved ones and that feels good even though they are gone,

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