Categories: Life

Remarkable Individuals Who Changed the World By Breaking the Rules

© Wikimedia Commons

Leonardo Da Vinci

Everything Da Vinci did was incredible, and also ahead of his time, as he used to draw tanks, airplanes, and submarines long before those things really existed. Additionally, the paintings and drawings he left behind are considered our world’s most precious treasures.

But now you might wonder…How did Leonardo Da Vinci break the rules? Well, very few people know about Da Vinci’s contributions to medicine. He played a very important part in helping people understand the human body.

A lot of people do not know this, but Leonardo Da Vinci was fascinated by anatomy and throughout his life, he tried to learn as much about the human body as possible. As part of a scientific study, Da Vinci dissected more than 30 corpses and collected several body parts.

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However, he broke the law doing this, as using corpses for research purposes was not legal back in the day. Therefore, he was accused of unseemly conduct and had to put an end to his love for anatomy.

But thanks to Leonardo Da Vinci, we’ve discovered that the human heart is the center of the blood system because it was initially believed to be the liver. He also contributed a lot to 20th-century medical practices.

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