Categories: Life

Remarkable Individuals Who Changed the World By Breaking the Rules

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While by no means we want to suggest that it’s ok to break the rules, these remarkable individuals did it in order to change the world we live in. There are a few key moments in history that wouldn’t be possible if certain people hadn’t broken the law.

Their defiant acts resulted in bringing remarkable changes to the world, so it was definitely worth it. The sad news, however, is that these kinds of people are usually persecuted and perceived as villains, but this doesn’t stop them from getting things done.

In fact, it only encourages them to fight even harder to achieve what they want, even if that means changing one’s or everyone’s life. After all, the end justifies the means, don’t you agree? These people chose to pay the price of their personal freedom in the name of justice and equality, and they did it for us all, not for other selfish reasons.

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Continue reading to discover the remarkable individuals who managed to change the world for the better by breaking a few rules here and there!

Make sure to also check: 11 Famous Females that Revolutionized the Science World.

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