Categories: Life

Remarkable Individuals Who Changed the World By Breaking the Rules

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Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony dedicated her entire life to social equality, and she was even seen as one of the first leaders of the suffrage movements. However, her work towards equality begun for a whole different reason.

Back when she was just 17 years old, she began collecting anti-slavery petitions, three decades before slavery was no longer legal in the United States. Susan B. Anthony became the New York state agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1856, and she focused on collecting millions of signatures to assist the abolitionist movement.

Susan B. Anthony is also the founder of the Women’s Loyal National League and the American Equal Rights Association. In 1983, Anthony broke a very important law, as she “voted in Rochester, New York, and was subsequently convinced in a widely publicized trial. Anthony steadfastly refused to pay the fine for her criminal activity but faced no further punitive action.”

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Her work definitely changed our work, and fourteen years after her death, women have been given the right to vote in the United States.

Make sure to also check: Why Are Scientists Convinced Life Exists On Other Planets.

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