Categories: Life

Remarkable Individuals Who Changed the World By Breaking the Rules

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It’s fair to say that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. should be the face of the Civil Rights movement in the United States, as he stood out with his people and became a national leader. The Baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia was the leader of the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott that contributed to finally putting an end to segregation on Alabama’s public transportation system.

He then became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and contributed to many other movements in Georgia, including the March on Washington that took place in 1963.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1963 for combating racial inequality using nonviolent means. All of his adult life, he fought really hard for the rights of people, despite the color of their skin.

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world by breaking the rules, as he put an end to segregation, even though he was arrested 29 times for it.

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