10 Haunted Asylums That Will Give You Goosebumps

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Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Waverly Hills Sanatorium was opened in 1910 in Louisville/Jefferson County, Kentucky. IT was initially opened as a school but later converted into a tuberculosis ward. The initial goal was to host no more than 40 patients, but after a tragic tuberculosis epidemic, more than 400 patients have been housed at Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

The very high number of patients contributed to patient mistreatment, neglection and there have also been rumors of illegal medical practices. A lot of people lost their lives there, even though the number is still unknown, it is believed that it’s something between 20,000 to 63,000.

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According to Listverse.com, “Perhaps the most famous feature of Waverly is the so-called “death tunnel,” an underground tunnel designed to remove dead bodies away from the eyes of patients. The tunnel is a typical hotspot for paranormal activity, but in truth, the entire complex is.”

Waverly Hills Sanatorium is known to be the most paranormal and spiritually active building in the whole world, due to a large number of people that lost their lives between its walls.

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