Categories: Technology

11 70s And 80s Tech That Were Ahead Of Their Time

Photo by dave_7 from Canada, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

8. Timex Sinclair 1000

Not only Seiko tried to enter a different market than the one in which they launched and met success. Timex did the same thing in 1982, when they put their name on a computer made by Britain’s Sinclair Research. This was the first personal computer that could be purchased for less than $100.

The problem is that for this low price, the computer did not offer much. With only 2 kilobytes of memory, users could not do more than basic programming. The keyboard was also smaller which upset many users.

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That’s why a year later, Timex decided to return to what everyone knows they know to do best, watches.

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