Categories: Astronomy

20 Unbelievable Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind

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The hottest planet in our Solar System.

Our planet’s average temperature is somewhere around 58.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 17.8 degrees Celsius. Well, for Venus, the hottest planet in our Solar System, things look a bit different. And when I said a bit, I was being modest.

Venus is at 842 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 450 degrees Celsius. That’s why we’re not searching for life on Venus, as any life that we know of couldn’t be possible on this planet. According to BBC Earth, Extremophiles (organisms capable to survive and grow in extreme environmental conditions) are not able to survive at temperatures higher than 206 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Venus’ temperature is not hot enough to melt steel, as it would require 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit for that. However, Venus’ temperature is hot enough to melt lead. What’s very cool about this planet is the fact that it’s the hottest, even though it’s not the closest to the sun, Mercury is.

However, due to its extremely dense atmosphere, Venus manages to trap greenhouse gasses, which gives it the honor of being the hottest planet in our Solar System.

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