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Project Sunshine

Even though the name would suggest otherwise, this project is by far one of the most terrifying conspiracy theories that have proven to be real. Project Sunshine was authorized by the US Atomic Energy Committee and the US Air Force, and it took place after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.

The conspiracy suggested that the US government was stealing dead bodies to test the effects of nuclear radiation on humans. But in reality, Project Sunshine was using body parts for these testings.

The body parts were taken from children and babies, as they were believed to have higher quantities of strontium in their bodies, which made them more prone to radiation damage. However, they did not have permission from the parents to use those body parts for investigations, which made everything illegal.

They took samples and limbs from more than 1,500 children, without even considering asking their families for permission.

Make sure to also check: This Might Be Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet.

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