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The alcohol poisoning conducted by the US government

During Prohibition, the US Government poisoned alcohol in its attempt to curb the drinking it. However, combining alcohol with methanol (a popular antifreeze) turned out to have deadly consequences.

Even though there’s not enough information about how they combined methanol with alcohol, it is believed that they used very little quantities, not enough to become lethal. However, many people suffered hallucinations and even lost their lives.

In fact, there were more than 10,000 deaths as a result of methanol poisoning during that time, so they might have had darker intentions than we assumed. Even though it was initially believed that these people lost their life due to alcohol poisoning, the investigators later discovered that the alcohol was indeed, poisoned.

Until today, that moment in history is remembered as ‘The Chemist’s War,’ and remains one of the deadliest decisions ever taken by the US government.

Read also: 5 Myths About Area 51 No One Should Believe.

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