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Gulf of Tonkin incident

Another conspiracy theory that has proven to be true is the incident that took place during the Vietnam war, in August 1964. The naval event occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin, also known as the USS Maddox, which was involved in an intelligence mission that leads to the United States’ implication in the Vietnam War.

The American ship allegedly started firing and destroyed several North Vietnamese boats in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. However, they also reported being attacked by the North Vietnamese ships two days later.

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Even so, an NSA publication from 2005 has shown that there weren’t any signs of attack on Maddox on August 4, 1964. This information has lead to many people accusing the US government of lying and faking an attack that never really happened, just because they wanted to gain support for the US war in Vietnam.

Furthermore, the faked attack came as a justification for the military action that took place in that area. Additionally, the US government also passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 10 in the exact same year, giving President Johnson the permission to go whatever was necessary in order to support “any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty.”

Almost 40 years later, when the United States was under George Bush’s Presidency and Tony Blair was Prime Minister in the UK, it was claimed that the Iraqi government was involved in actively constructing and developing mass destruction weapons, which lead to the Iraq War.

However, it was later found that Iraq was never involved in developing and storing weapons of mass destruction.

Read also: 7 Completely Accidental World Changing Scientific Discoveries.

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