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4. Dengue

Mosquito-borne diseases kill millions of people every year. Dengue is one of the most devastating diseases affecting the world. This deadly virus claims the lives of 50,000 people each year. This viral infection appears in humans after being transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito.

The symptoms usually appear a few days after the infective bite. Additionally, this disease affects people of all ages, each person presenting flu-like symptoms, which can lead to dengue hemorrhagic fever, plus other symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding, and trouble breathing. At the moment there are no known treatments for Dengue.

Make sure to also check: 11 Deadly Diseases That Traveled Between Animals to Humans, And Vice Versa.

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5 thoughts on “11 of the Most Deadly Diseases in History”

  1. Anthony Colesanti

    This was very enlightening. I appreciate all the information that I learned about these diseases. I realize that many of these diseases can have outbreaks in India and Africa. I hope the organizations can battle these diseases in Africa and India- Doctors Without Borders, United Nations, world Health organization.

  2. Kenneth Hoffman

    I guess having worked in the medical field twice in my life gave me the knowledge of recognizing eight of these deadly diseases and viruses. I am not a computer genius and I know it. That leaves me wondering why, when and how Bill Gates has become an immunologist.

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