Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Peccary is closely related to the Platygonus, which is extinct since the Ice Age 11,000 years ago. However, the Chacoan Peccary had also been believed to be extinct from 1930 until 1971, after the researchers discovered a fossil of an animal assembling a large pig in the Chaco region, in Argentina.
However, 41 years later, the researchers came across a living Chacoan Peccary in the exact same area, which means that the species was never extinct. Additionally, the researchers also discovered that the Indigenous people living in that area knew all along of the existence of the Chacoan Peccary.
At the moment, the Chacoan Peccary is considered endangered, however, they’re now included in several breeding programs meant to help save the species.
Make sure to also check: 10 of the Most Endangered Animals in the United States-Part 2.