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Live, laugh, love.

Oh, how important it is to laugh in our lives, even though most people don’t understand its power. Yes, it’s true that staying young involves eating healthy and doing your exercises, but sometimes a simple smile can do wonders.

A study conducted at the Yeshiva University has shown that something as simple as a laugh can help you live a long and healthy life.

Here are 22 Ways to Manage and Reduce Stress. More info HERE!


Or smile!

Want to look younger than you are in reality? The method is very simple, you just have to smile. A new study published in the journal PLOS One has shown that people who smile are perceived as younger.

Conversely, a sad, neutral face will make you look older. And that’s not the only great thing about smiling. While making you look younger is amazing, smiling also contributes to a healthy heart and reduces stress levels. Are you smiling already? Because you should.

Make sure to also check: 7 Efficient Ways to Pass a Lie Detector Test.

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