16 Science Mysteries Scientists Still Don’t Have An Answer For

@Envato Elements

What exactly are tardigrades?

Ever heard of tardigrades? Don’t fret, most people haven’t. According to what scientists know so far, tardigrades are eight-legged microorganisms that can be found on mossy trees. So far, nothing unusual, right?

Well, here comes the interesting part: tardigrades can basically live in any kind of environment, even without water, which practically makes them indestructible. They can survive temperatures from -328 to 304 degrees Fahrenheit, and some say they can even survive an apocalypse. Some theories also place them in the “creatures from outer space” category, although most scientists claim they come from our planet.

Apart from their amazing survival skills, no one knows for sure what these microorganisms are…insects? crustaceans? worms?

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