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1. Many people claim that Area 51, an American military installation, is researching and experimenting on aliens and their spacecraft.

The famous Area 51 in the Nevada Desert is a military installation in the Nellis Military Operations Area. However, the base eventually became known as the most secretive military site in the world because it does not appear on any map or government website, leading people to believe in this conspiracy theory.

Some claim that Area 51 is studying and experimenting on aliens and their spacecraft. More precisely, people believe they ‘re investigating a crash that occurred near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Others suggest that the moon landing was staged at Area 51. Nevertheless, the government has confirmed that the facility is used to test the military’s experimental aircraft. An admission they eventually made on 25 June 2013 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in 2005 by Jeffrey T. Richelson of George Washington University’s National Security Archive, ending years of speculation, or did it???


2. Some believe that Truman Capote wrote Harper Lee’s famous novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Truman Capote and Harper Lee both grew up in Alabama, and they were good friends in their childhood. Each one went on to become popular authors in their own right. Capote wrote his crime story “In Cold Blood” and Lee wrote the great American novel and 1961 Pulitzer Prize winning “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Although Capote continued to write several novels, Lee only published another book in her lifetime, the controversial and poorly received 2015 sequel to Mockingbird ‘Go Set a Watchman’, leading some to conclude that Capote wrote “To Kill a Mockingbird,” according to CNBC. In a 2010 documentary, Lee ‘s sister, Alice C. Lee, denied the claims, saying that Capote was jealous of her sister’s success.

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