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How it works

What’s very interesting about lie detector tests is that it’s more to it than just the time you spend connected to the machine. The minute you enter the room, the tester will start observing even the smallest details about you. Additionally, a skilled polygrapher has the capability to observe and take into consideration even the nonverbal gestures linked to lying, so it would be wise to know your ‘game’.

Also, your breathing rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, and perspiration as all recorded by a polygraph machine. There are more advanced machines that include even more sophisticated skills, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. A polygrapher will compare your physiological responses to irrelevant and relevant questions in order to distinguish the lies. Nevertheless, you should be prepared to answer several times the same questions, because some might be repeated two or three times.

Additionally, you might be asked to intentionally lie in order to help the examiner establish ground values. If you have to take a lie detector test, make sure you have enough time, as it can take up to three hours to go through the background assessment, your medical history, understand how the test works, the actual polygraph, and the result.


You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet

Most of the information you can find online about lie detector tests is usually very far from the truth, that’s why it’s important to not believe everything you read. There are hundreds of articles on the internet on how to beat a lie detector test, but most of them offer fake information and not-so-effective tips.

For instance, at a simple search on how to lie to a polygraph test you might find advice like ‘biting your tongue’ or placing a sharp object in your shoe will help you concentrate on the pain, which won’t affect perspiration levels. At the same time, some people recommend thinking of a lie when telling the truth and the other way around.

It’s important to understand that all the things mentioned above won’t work, that’s why you need to get your information in the right place. You need to remember that the test is based on identifying the differences between the truth and the lies.

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