Spinal Cord Injury
Probably the most traumatic injury the human body could ever experience is the severing of the spinal cord. Depending on the injury, the patient might lose its ability to walk or move their arms and legs.
Such severe injuries used to be completely irreparable in the past, however, thanks to neurosurgery, some patients have been able to get some of their functions back, even though we can’t deny the fact that most outcomes are disappointing.
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Stem cells have brought a lot of hope to those suffering spinal cord injuries, as they focus on replacing the damaged nerves, instead of trying to repair them. When stem cells are injected into the area of the injury, they help the spinal column repair itself.
According to BioInformant, “While the mechanisms aren’t yet clear, it seems that hormones such as growth factors – in addition to the location in the body – can provide signposts to stem cells telling them what kinds of tissues are needed.”
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