Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Another type of cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, also appears in the lymphatic system, the area of the body that’s in charge of fighting disease and toxins. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is caused by a large number of white cells, or also known as lymphocytes in the body.
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This type of cancer can be fatal if not properly treated and chemotherapy is the most effective treatment against it. However, it can also kill off bone marrow if the doses of chemotherapy are too high. Therefore, cancer will die, but so will the patient, which is exactly what we want to avoid.
And that’s exactly why stem cell treatment is so needed in this case, because it reduces the risk of killing off bone marrow by giving the patient an infusion of stem cells, instead of using high doses of chemotherapy to kill the cancerous cells.
While the patient still needs to receive the chemotherapy treatment, it will be followed by stem cell therapy that will help regenerate the number of blood cells. The stem cell treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma gives us a lot of hope, and the possibility of living a long, healthy life after the treatment.
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