Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects the joints and the cartilage that protects them, causing the rubbing of one bone on another, which will eventually lead to the deterioration of the bone. This condition is extremely painful, and might even lead to immobility in more severe cases.
Osteoarthritis often affects the knees, hips, and thumbs, but it can also impact the fingers, wrists, anklets, and elbows. The cartilage that protects the bone is not self-renewing, so once it’s gone, it will stay gone.
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We are born with a limited number of cells in our body, so when those cells die, they won’t be replaced by new ones, leading to joints and bones degeneration. That’s exactly why we need stem cells treatments, as they can take the form of many different specialized cells.
Additionally, stem cells can transform into cartilage cells, making possible things that previously seemed impossible, such as renewable cartilage. Many clinics in the United States already use stem cell treatment to cure osteoarthritis.
According to BioInformant, “Physicians extract these cells from fat tissue, separate out the stem cells from the rest, then prepare a solution containing growth factors and other ingredients necessary to tell stem cells how to develop in the new site.” Then, the patient receives an injection in the affected area, such as the knee or hip.
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