Do Not Worry About This When Getting Vaccinated, Fauci Says

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More guidance will come very soon, Walensky added.

People should expect the guidelines for fully vaccinated people to broaden really soon. Aa Walensky has explained, this is only the initial guidance and things are expected to become even more flexible for fully vaccinated individuals.

This is just the first step to living a normal life again, she added. With more and more people getting vaccinated every day, more scientific evidence about the vaccines, and change in our country’s dynamics, guidelines are expected to become more flexible as well and will continue to be updated.

Make sure to also check: The Least Common Vaccine Side-Effect That People Are Concerned About.



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1 thought on “Do Not Worry About This When Getting Vaccinated, Fauci Says”

  1. LMFAO! Fraudster Fauci and MSDNC! What a Clown Show! You would be much better off getting your Important Facts from The Onion or maybe that Supermarket Tabloid magazine! Fauci has been on BOTH SIDES of every issue regarding COVID-19, which means he KNOWS NOTHING AT ALL! And he’s not ashamed to be wrong as long as he remains the MSM “golden boy”.

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