How to protect yourself from the plague
“It’s important that individuals take precautions for themselves and their pets when outdoors, especially while walking, hiking and/or camping in areas where wild rodents are present,” California’s El Dorado County Public Health Officer Dr. Nancy Williams said earlier this week. “Human cases of plague are extremely rare but can be very serious.”
She also mentioned that eliminating rodents is a very important step in containing the spread of the bacteria. As well as removing nesting places (rocks, bushes, trash, food supplies) around homes and workplaces is also very important.
Moreover, if you come across a dead animal, do not even think about touching it without wearing gloves, and make sure to notify your local health department for disposal.
Another important measure is using insect repellent that contains DEET every time you spend time in nature (camping, hiking). Also, make sure to frequently treat your pet for fleas.