
5 Medical Conditions That Sound Fake, But Are Actually True

Photo by Bruce Rolff from

4. The Syndrom Of The Alien Hand 

Even though it might sound funny when you hear about this health condition, its symptoms are not that entertaining. The Alien Hand Syndrome is also known as AHS and it is defined by unintentional limb movement, usually, one of the hands, that seems deliberated and functional.

A group of authors of a meta-analysis of AHS research published in Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements noted that “Sometimes the limb is personified: patients have named their alien hands”.

People can be diagnosed with AHS due to strokes, neurodegenerative illness, or brain tumors. There are a few treatments that can be done, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and having the affected handgrip on an object to distract it. There is also the possibility of getting Botox injections, which can make the muscle weak for a period of time.

Just like in movies, there have been cases where people who are affected with this syndrome have attempted to choke themselves.

5. Stone Man’s Disease

The Stone Man’s Disease is a syndrome that is also known as Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) and it is a connective tissue illness in which ligaments, tendons, and skeletal muscles essentially become bone.

People who are diagnosed with this medical condition might not be able to move. In addition to that, because of the fact that their joints can become locked in place, they can experience difficulty when it comes to eating and even breathing.

In conformity with the National Organization for Rare Disorders, the first symptom that can occur is uneven big toes, which can appear from the moment of birth.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it has been found that in time, FOP keeps evolving. This means that it can sneak from the neck and shoulders down the body.

People who have this health defect can experience swelling and inflammation if they injure themselves. Furthermore, this can lead to additional tissues turning to bone.


What do you think about these unusual syndromes that sound fake, but are actually true? Have you ever heard of any of them? We are curious to know your thoughts, so make sure to let us know by leaving a comment in the section down below!

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