body facts
Image By Kozhukhova From Shuttetstock

Some people hear their eyeballs!

Yes, you read that right! While it sounds like something straight out of a Gothic American novel (any Edgar Allan Poe fans out there know very well what we mean), it is actually a very true syndrome that can actually make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. The worst part is it doesn’t come with just hearing weird sounds, it can also impair your balance.

The superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) is not caused by anything major, but rather a tiny hole in the bone covering part of the inner ear: this is what makes people hear distorted sounds and ruins their balance. This makes people hear their eyeballs moving into their heads, any vibrations made by their voice or inhaling, and it heavily impairs their way of living. The good news is that it is treatable!

Your heart rate and breathing can sync up with music!

Yeah, it’s not just a myth! Music can actually lead to physical changes in your body: and by that, we mean changes in your blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. The tempo of the music is really important as it is one of the things that lead to these changes, along with volume and intensity: when there are increases in the volume and intensity, they can lead to an increase in your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. Opposed to it, when there are silent periods or the tempo lowers, all your vitals will lower.

What’s even more interesting is that if the rhythm of a song repeats, the entirety of your cardiovascular system will end up mimicking it, synchronizing with it. This will lead your breathing pattern to follow suit. Scientists believe that this can lead to new therapies to be discovered for people recovering from a stroke or others who suffer from other cardiovascular diseases.

No blood vessels!

There is a part of your body that actually has no blood vessels whatsoever. Being used to hearing about how vascularized everything in our body is, it may come as a surprise. However, the cornea is the most unique in this aspect as it does not share this trait with the rest of the body. There are no blood vessels in the cornea, making it completely transparent!

Sure, we knew that the cartilages in our body (like the ear) are free of blood vessels, but now the cornea has joined it! It’s not just the tiny thing that helps us see properly. It also joined the “weird parts of the body” club!

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Human body

Scientific Discovery

