Medical staff collapse
Due to the high number of people who’ve gotten infected with SARS-CoV-2, the healthcare sector of the U.S. lost more than 3,000 workers, in conformity with the U.S. monthly employment report.
There are several doctors and nurses who express their feelings of irritation towards patients who are not vaccinated, saying that they have no clue why some people decide to ignore the doctors’ advice and opinions and not get vaccinated but ask for medical care when they get infected with this deadly virus.
According to Dr. Hassan Khouli, who is the chairman of the department of critical care medicine at the academic medical center, 90% of the patients that are in intensive care on mechanical ventilation at the Cleveland Clinic are not vaccinated. In addition to that, Dr. Khouli said that the big number of unvaccinated people is a real issue, and the fact that the medical staff suffer from burnout is not helping.
Governor Kathy Hochul said that New York is going to become the first state to command a booster shot for medical staff, pending a decision from state health, responsible for the planning council. She added the fact that the booster was a must, in order to keep healthcare workers able to work.