Photo by Evgeny Atamanenko from

14. Aging 

Although we all know that age is just a number, and the most important part is the way we feel, it has been found that the number is not accurate all the time. The way that we look is actually a consequence of the telomeres, which is a component of the DNA on the tip of each and every chromosome.

In conformity with a study published in Nature Genetics in 2010, several scientists studied half a million telomeres. They saw that the telomeres that had shorter tips looked approximately three to four years older than those that had normal-length tips.

Now, when somebody tells you that you look younger than that number in your ID, you can tell them that “You got it from your mamma”!

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4 thoughts on “14 Things That You Inherited From Your Parents”

  1. dennis joseph donahue

    my grandfather on my mother’s side was called “Black Tom Murphy” …because of his black hair. I am 86 and just started to have some gray in my black hair!!!!

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