11. Pain tolerance

We can’t compare the levels of pain that people tolerate. While some people can burst into tears when they are feeling a certain level of pain, others can barely notice anything.

In conformity with a research that was presented at the American Association of Neurology’s annual meeting in 2014, it had been found that this difference in pain tolerance is partly because of genetics.

In order to do this research, several scientists separated four certain genes that are responsible for affecting the way someone perceives pain. This can be good news for those who are suffering from chronic pain, and it also can lead to a deeper understanding of this condition.

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4 thoughts on “14 Things That You Inherited From Your Parents”

  1. dennis joseph donahue

    my grandfather on my mother’s side was called “Black Tom Murphy” …because of his black hair. I am 86 and just started to have some gray in my black hair!!!!

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