10 Surprising Things That Are Made From Human Body Parts

Photo by VG Foto from shutterstock.com

10. Paint

A few centuries ago, there was a brown paint called “mommia”, “momie”, or “mummy brown”, which was used by several artists in their creations. The pigment was made out of Egyptian mummies, by grinding them until they turned into powder. After that, the manufacturers mixed the composition with other materials, in order to create this very appreciated type of paint.

It first appeared in the 16th century, and it became a favorite among artists. There were people who were creating this type of paint by using other dead corpses. For instance, a French artist named Martin Drolling used a mummy brown that was made out of the bodies of French kings.

The artists stopped using this paint after they found out the main ingredient. They abolished this color in 1964, due to the fact that there was no more material to make this color, aka no more mummies.

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