Oh, how much we all want our old lives back…It takes a virus such as the coronavirus to make us all realize how good our pre-pandemic lives used to be, without all the restrictions and everything else.
Some of us also lost our loved ones in the battle against the virus, others haven’t been able to visit and hug their elderly family members in a long, long time, and there are also those who became severely ill but somehow managed to survive the infection. But even if you had a milder experience with the virus and everyone you love is safe, you probably still wish for things to go back to normal.
While it’s true that most of us have grown accustomed to everything about COVID-19, including the restrictions such as mask-wearing, social distancing, avoiding crowded places, using hand sanitizer, and maintaining proper hand hygiene, getting our old lives back is still our main goal.
The good news, however, is that it might happen sooner than you’d think. Ashish Jha, MD, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, mentioned in an interview on May 2 with ABC’s This Week, that things will soon get back to normal in the United States.
Read on to discover when we’ll finally be able to get our old lives back!
Make sure to also check: COVID is Expected to Disappear By This Date, According to FDA Officials.