The United States Will Get Back to Normality By This Date, Experts Say

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But according to Jha, the worst is behind us when it comes to COVID-19!

Ashish Jha also shared on April 30 on ABC’s G.ood Morning America that he’s confident that when it comes to the virus, the worst is behind us.

“I think we can confidently say the worst is behind us barring some crazy unforeseen variant that none of us are expecting to see. We will not see the kind of suffering and death we have seen over the holidays. I think we are in much better shape heading forward,” he added.

In fact, COVID tracking data gathered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that the past two weeks have seen a 16.2 percent decrease from the previous numbers, which is definitely good news for us all.

Moreover, if we compare these numbers to the month of January, there’s a 79 percent decrease, so we’re definitely on the right path.

Here are 11 Deadly Diseases That Traveled Between Animals to Humans, And Vice Versa. Read more HERE!

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