Here Are 14 Traits That You Probably Got From Your Parents

Photo by Dmytro Zinkevych from

5. Pain resistance

The pain thresholds of different people simply can’t be compared. We all have a different tolerance. For instance, one person might scream in agony even thinking of something that might be causing them pain, while another might be completely unbothered by it.

A study presented at the American Association of Neurology’s annual meeting in 2014 found that this difference in how much pain people can handle is partly due to their genes. So if one person in your family is very tolerant of different kinds of pain, you might be too. The same thing goes even if a family member is very sensitive to any type of discomfort.

For this study to be possible, a team of researchers isolated 4 genes known to influence pain perception. This might be encouraging for people dealing with chronic pain, and it might lead to further investigation into the causes of this problem. We all want to understand our bodies a little better, right?

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