James Dean’s death has also been predicted.
Of course, it’s fair to say that James Dean was killed due to poor engineering. However, Alec Guinness predicted his death, according to Jalopnik. In fact, when Alec saw Dean’s car, he said: “If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week.”
Unfortunately, his predictions were right, and Dean died in a car accident several days later. Certain parts of his Porche 550 Spyder have been sold and lead to several other accidents, including serious injuries and two other deaths.
Civil War’s first and last battles had been fought near the same man’s property.
The first battle of the Civil War took place in 1861 and was known as the First Battle of Bull Run, since it occurred near Wilmer McLean’s farm, a 46-year-old grocer from Manassas, Virginia.
After the battle, McLean decided to move because of all the devastation left behind, so he and his wife found a new home in Appomattox, Virginia, where they felt safe. But even though he moved, he didn’t manage to escape the Civil War.
In fact, the last battle and Robert E. Lee’s surrender happened just a few steps from Wilmer’s new home. He’s definitely one ‘lucky’ man. NOT.
Here are 11 Deadly Diseases That Traveled Between Animals to Humans, And Vice Versa. Read more HERE!