One of the most commonly used subjects in science fiction is that of an extra terrestrials invasion. Hundreds of variations on this theme have been written over the years, typically focusing on us having something that is useful enough for extra terrestrials to spend their time and energy on conquering Earth.
While all of this makes for a good story, it doesn’t make for a good reality. After all, our planet has been here for 4.5 billion years and it doesn’t appear like it has ever been invaded.
Here are 10 possible reasons why aliens may not invade Earth.
1. The galaxy has nothing but room
Everywhere we look in the Milky Way we see billions of stars, but so far not even one of them has ever been shown to be inhabited by a civilization. This could change, but for now there appears to be millions of stars that are not being used for anything or by anyone.
2. We don’t make for good slaves
Simply put, robots can be better at almost anything we do, if they become advanced enough. Any civilization in the galaxy capable of long-distance space travel and the technologies implied by that would likely have robotics so advanced that no biological labor at all would be needed.
3. Our planet is fundamentally useless
Earth is nothing special, it’s made up of the same materials that we see out in the galaxy at large. Water exists in the Universe, both in frozen and liquid form. It’s much the same for information. The only information we have unique to ourselves is information about ourselves.
4. We are likely not tasty
Imagine an extra terrestrial species with radically different biochemistry. They would have evolved on a world eating flora and fauna unique to that planet. It’s unlikely that anything here would be appealing to either species and there’s no guarantee that they even eat in the same way we do.
5. Our genetics aren’t useful
Genetic compatibility with a species we have zero relation to, something truly extra terrestrial from another world, would be so unlikely that lottery odds are better.
6. The human and the ant
Ants usually go unnoticed. Unless they bother us, we pass by them and rarely pay any attention to them. Even less do we stop and speak to them. So, we have to consider that extra terrestrials may have no interest in us at all.
7. We’re more interesting alive than dead
Let’s think that extra terrestrials would be interested in all aspects of extra terrestrial cultures and that they would come here to study us. So, they probably would not declare themselves our overlords and plant a flag on our planet, but instead they might just show up, enter orbit and tell us not to mind them, they just want to watch us.
8. It’s not worth it, given the distances
The distances involved for interstellar travel at sublight speeds are daunting and limiting. With enough distance, no planet is worth it, especially when you consider that such distances also prevent you from anything close to real time reconnaissance until you get close by.
9. We are already obviously and flagrantly dangerous
At sublight speeds, we’re probably going to detect a giant invasion fleet well before it gets close. But even if we don’t, if for some reason we don’t think we can target the extra terrestrials with a nuke or don’t have time, we can still target ourselves with a full global thermonuclear exchange and go out in a blaze of glory.
10. Earth itself could be deadly poisonous to biological extra terrestrials
The Universe is mostly deadly to us anywhere except our home planet and the same is likely true for aliens. Earth probably wouldn’t have the right mix for an alien to breathe, which would make this planet virtually useless for conquest and colonization.
So, rest assured, extra terrestrials aren’t gonna visit us any time soon, if ever.