Masking up is a moral issue, not a political one
Democrats and Republicans support wearing masks in public. And those who originally opposed wearing them— including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Vice President Mike Pence, and Fox News personality Sean Hannity— now do so too.
Karen Hughes, an adviser in the George W. Bush administration, wrote in an op-ed that not wearing a mask is “an incredibly selfish act that puts other people’s lives at risk. Like yelling ‘fire!’ in a packed theater or brandishing a loaded gun in a crowd, failing to don a mask greatly increases the risk that one person will endanger others.”
So wearing a mask does not violate individual liberty any more than wearing a seat belt in the car or not smoking in public areas. “There are limitations we accept to avoid hurting people in our community,” says Jeremy Howard, distinguished research advocate at the University of San Francisco and founder of #Masks4All. “It’s reasonable, kind, and respectful to take some actions to reduce the risk of hurting others.”
Wearing a mask is a sign of strength
Men are more likely than women to believe that “wearing a face covering is shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness, and a stigma,” according to recent research. Howard emphatically disagrees with that perception. “Wearing a mask is a strong behavior,” he says. “It actually takes strength to do something that is awkward and uncomfortable to protect jobs, protect the economy, protect lives. Weak people take the easy way out—they’re too scared to do something that’s new or different.”
Masks can serve other purposes
Masks have come to the rescue on more than one occasion, like when a cold sore or a pimple pops up. No one ever needs to know it’s there, thanks to the mask. Wear it for hiding an uncontrollable smile in a serious conversation and for keeping your coffee breath for yourself.
You ‘re also going to save money on the lipstick because there’s no need to make up the bottom half of your face. And finally, masks are available in a wide variety of styles that are sure to reflect your fashion sense, your personality, or your point of view.