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Never stop learning.

Learning and continuing to grow is an important part of reversing the aging process. Even after retirement, you can always learn something new because it’s never too late to start a new career.

“You can also keep learning in a book group, movie club, reading on your own, visiting a museum, traveling to learn about a place or a culture, taking a workshop,” Fedus said.

Read also: Body Parts Humans Will No Longer Have One Day.


Build that muscle!

With age, we tend to experience muscle loss. In fact, men tend to lose as much as 5 percent of muscle mass per decade, after the age of 30. The problem with muscle loss is that it can contribute to a higher risk of falls and fractures.

In order to make sure you’re not losing that muscle, you need to be active. Lifting weights has proved to be very efficient, and you can do it either at home or at the gym. If you don’t like weight exercises, you can try cardio, which is great for your heart.

Also, make sure to add extra protein to your diet, but not necessarily animal protein. Chickpeas, beans, lentils are great sources of protein you can include in your diet.

Here are 10 Surprising Ways In Which Stress Can Be Good for You. Read more HERE!

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