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5. You always find yourself experiencing respiratory infections

Usually, if you’re constantly dealing with respiratory infections, there might be a more severe problem. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, one respiratory infection after another might be triggered by a lung tumor blocking the airways.

Also, blocked airways can cause infections like bronchitis and pneumonia occurring very often, so it’s important to consult your doctor.


6. Every time you breathe you hear a wheezing sound

If you experience a high-pitched noise every time you breathe you should know that it’s not normal. According to Posina, there could be many underlying conditions that can cause the wheezing, such as asthma, COPD, obstructive sleep apnea, upper respiratory tract infections, and others.

Don’t waste any more time and schedule a doctor’s appointment if you experience a high-pitched noise every time you breathe in and out.


7. You lose weight without trying

Unexplained weight loss can be caused by many health conditions, but losing more than 10 pounds without doing anything special and still eating normal is very concerning. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), it can be a sign of cancer.

Unexplained weight loss usually appears in patients who have lung cancer, cancers of the stomach, pancreas and esophagus. Visit your doctor if you lost too many pounds without trying!


8. Mucus is now your best friend

Dealing with mucus is not a fun experience, let me tell you that. It’s normal to experience it when you have a cold or allergies, what’s not normal is dealing with mucus for a long period of time. If you and mucus are inseparable, you’ve got a problem.

Posina explained that mucus is typically our body’s defense mechanism, but it could also indicate an underlying lung condition if you’re dealing with it for long periods of time. Mucus often indicates chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and other health issues.

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