Photo by Everett Collection from

4. The ENIAC Programmers – First Electronic Computer

In 1946, a group of six intelligent women managed to program the first all-electronic computer, named The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). This was a project created by the U.S. Army in Philadelphia, during World War II, as a secret project.

These women learned how to program without having programming knowledge or tools, but only logical diagrams. In 1946, when the ENIAC was revealed to the press and public, the women were never introduced and nobody knew about their great work. This is why John Mauchly is usually credited for this significant invention.

5. Esther Lederberg – Microbial Genetics

Esther Lederberg and her husband, Joshua Lederberg, worked together on a project about viruses, but little did people know that she is actually the one who discovered a virus that is responsible for E.coli bacteria – lambda phage.

Also, Esther Lederberg is the one who contributed at discovering the process of creating RNA from DNA. Even though her work and her discoveries wore the ones who made a lot of things possible, only her husband won the Nobel Prize for Medicine, due to their discoveries of how bacteria mated.


We have both men and women who discovered and invented a lot of amazing things, that for us may seem basic, such as Bluetooth, Radio or Wi-Fi. We have to give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and conclude by saying that the inventions and the discoveries above really prove that both men and women are smart and capable!

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