But if it proves that we are alone, will it be good or bad news for us?
It won’t be great, that’s for sure. It’s no secret that we’re consuming our environmental resources at a very rapid pace, so it’s just a matter of time until we ran out of them. Also, technology advanced so much in the last decades, that humankind could be easily destroyed in just a few seconds, thanks to nuclear weapons.
In just a few years, humans could build such powerful nuclear weapons that will have the power to exterminate humans from the face of Earth in a matter of minutes or even seconds. There’s definitely a lot of good and bad to the increasing potential of technology.
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Many specialists estimate that there’s a 19 percent possibility that humans will become extinct by the end of this century, even though it might probably take a little more than that, but that’s not the point.
The idea of extinction should make us more aware of the situation, and we definitely need to get our collective act together and start working for it. If not, more than 7.8 billion people alive today will go extinct, while others will never have the chance to ever exist.
As Carl Sagan mentioned in his 1990 Pale Blue Dot speech: “In all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. The Earth is where we make our stand.”
Is humanity the only civilization that will ever exist in this vast universe? If this proves to be true then we have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders.
Make sure to also check: Water Could Disappear From Mars Way Faster Than Previously Thought.
1 thought on “This Might Be Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet”
Perhaps it’s because our sci fi concept of aliens does not exist . Or perhaps they took a look at the human race and said ” Nah ! We don’t want to be dealing with these idiots “