9. Ireland
Ireland’s high EPI ranking isn’t just luck — it’s the product of working together from government and people to reduce the impact of climate change, however they can. They committed to compliance with the 2019 European Green Deal guidelines, which has involved implementing “effective environmental taxation measures including an emissions-based vehicle registration tax and a carbon tax,” according to the European Commission.
Ireland’s National Waste Reduction System also keeps people up-to-date about how to push the country’s circular economy, showing them how to recycle and lead a lifestyle that is more eco friendly. As a result, some people are now composting to reduce food waste and using “hand-me-down” platforms to remove garbage and other waste.
And, according to Ireland’s Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAI) report for 2019, Ireland is committed to the use of sustainable energy sources. About 90 percent of renewable energy in the country comes from solar, solid biomass, and liquid biofuels.
The reduction in CO2 emissions from the country (4.2 MtCC, to be exact) is equivalent to taking 70 percent of private cars off the track. Although we are concerned with cars, in 2017 the use of electric vehicles grew by 64 percent.

10. Finland
Finland ranked number one on the EPI index in 2016 and given its fall from the top spot, there is still something we can learn from this country about giving back to Mother Earth. First, let’s think about its clean-water supply: According to Slow Finland, more than 80% of its lakes are in good or excellent condition.
It is also home to some of Europe’s cleanest air, maybe partially due to foresting 70 percent of the land and an emission curb. Nonetheless, Finland does have far bigger ambitions. The nation aims to replace 10 percent of the total number of electric cars by 2030.
In addition to EV vehicles, they foresee a 30 percent increase in the use of bicycles and walking as transport modes; this is in addition to a reduced amount of oil being imported, which “will bring massive emission reductions.”