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There’s water on Mars

Evidence has proved that there used to be water on Mars, and there might still be, hidden beneath its surface or frozen in its polar ice caps. The first time we found evidence about the existence of water on Mars was back in 2000 when NASA satellite Mars Global Surveyor provided images with something that looked exactly like flowing water.

As many studies have stated, the existence of water under the polar ice caps could be caused by Mars’ volcanic activity. However, life might not exist on Mars for many other reasons. In 2016, during the annual Mars Society meeting, Jennifer Eigenbrode, a biogeochemist, and geologist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland explained that Mars lost its magnetic field for reasons we still don’t know.

Therefore, the planet is no longer protected against the solar wind, making the existence of life very difficult.

Read also: A Massive Star Is Missing From a Distant Galaxy, And No One Knows Where It Went.

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