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Evidence of chemical forerunners to life on other planets

Long before life existed on Earth, the main organic compounds used to be proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, present everywhere, from the atmosphere to the oceans. These organic compounds prompted chemical reactions, eventually leading to the creation of cellular membranes and what we know today as DNA, even though it was the early version of it.

What’s very interesting, is that scientists have found the same forerunners of life on other planets, as well, so it’s likely that we’re going to see the same evolution.


There’s a lot more than the Milky Way

As scientists would suspect, there are galaxies much bigger than the Milky Way, that could host 10,000 times more habitable planets. Let’s not forget that there have been more than 1,900 planets discovered in the past decades, so we’re expected to find a lot more if we keep researching.

In fact, we examined more than 140,000 neighboring galaxies and found one in particular with the highest number of habitable planets. The galaxy is twice as big as the Milky Way and could host 10,000 times more planets similar to ours, compared to the Milky Way.

Read also: Celebrities Who Believe in Some of the Craziest Conspiracy Theories Out There.

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