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Extraterrestrials vs religion.

Andrew Abeyta, assistant professor of psychology at North Dakota State University in the United States and co-author of a study called ‘We are not alone’, highly believes that those who believe in extraterrestrials tend to not believe so much in religion.

As he wrote in the study he co-authored, religion is linked to finding the meaning of life, as it gives us a sense of purpose. Religion makes people feel important, loved, and cared for. At the same time, religion makes people feel like their lives have already been planned and their journey has already been written.

By neglecting religion, people are left without a purpose, he added, saying that they’ll do everything to find one, in order to feel important, because that need doesn’t just go away.

According to Abeyta, “People who tend to report a stronger belief in UFO conspiracies and little green men and things like that, tend to also report a higher sense of meaning in life. They want to go somewhere else to help restore that meaning. So it’s sort of like we’re trying to capture this compensatory process.”

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