11 Deadly Diseases That Traveled Between Animals to Humans, And Vice Versa

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The novel coronavirus that has taken control over our lives has been identified for the first time in December 2019, in Wuhan, China. Since then, we have to deal with a worldwide pandemic, as the virus spread very rapidly all over the world.

The researchers suspected that the coronavirus came from a seafood market from Wuhan, and further research has shown that the virus is originated in bats. The only problem here is that there were no bats at the seafood market in Wuhan, where everything started.

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Therefore, researchers suspect that another animal species got the virus from bats and further transmitted it to humans. According to several studies, researchers believe the animal that could have gotten the virus from bats is the pangolin, an endangered mammal that eats ants.

However, there’s not enough evidence to support that the viruses that have been found in illegally trafficked pangolins are linked to the novel coronavirus. In fact, the journal Nature has shown that they do not match the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so chances are we didn’t get it from pangolins either.

There are also studies that indicate snakes as a possible source for the novel coronavirus. As you probably know already, snakes were also sold at the Wuhan market, so it’s still a good chance they were the source of SARS-CoV-2.

However, experts say that it’s still unclear whether or not SARS-CoV-2 could infect snakes. As you can see, nothing is certain yet. All we do know is that the novel coronavirus has changed our whole lives, as we have to live in a world full of restrictions in order to prioritize our health.

Make sure to also check: COVID-19 Complications That Might Stay With You Forever. 

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