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Your body can explode after death!

You’ve probably heard a lot of spooky stories about human bodies exploding from inside out. While this sounds a little bit extreme, it’s not exactly fiction. Human combustion is a real thing, even though it’s not what you see in movies.

When your body shuts down slowly, the temperature also drops. However, in some rare cases, the temperature in the body can increase. The phenomenon is known as “postmortem hyperthermia” and can be caused by a lot of different things, including drug use, trauma, or violent death.

While the temperature in the body can continue to increase, the likelihood of an explosion inside the body is minimal, since the body temperature will start decreasing at some point as the body is decomposing.

While it’s true that there have been some rare cases of bodies exploding, human combustion was not responsible for it, and rather the gases inside that tend to build up after death. A corpse exploded in 2013 in a mausoleum in Melbourne, and all the people that attended the event have been traumatized by the experience and the smell.

Make sure to also check: 14 Puzzling Mysteries About the Universe.

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