20 Unbelievable Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind

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Each season lasts 21 years on Uranus.

For a planet to have seasons, it must be tilted. Earth, for instance, is tilted at a 23-degree angle, allowing us to enjoy all four seasons. When our part of the world leans closer to the sun in summers, and winter when we lean away from its warmth.

However, things look a little more extreme for Uranus, who’s tilted at a 98-degree angle. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that seasons will also have to suffer some changes on Uranus as well.
According to EarthSky, each season lasts 21 years on that planet. So the next time you feel like winters tend to last forever here on Earth, just think about Uranus, you’ll feel better!

Make sure to also check: Astronomers Discover Black Hole Nearest to Earth.

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